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Health & Wellness

A Guide to Dental Care for Your Dog

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Photo by Brian Brxtn on Unsplash

Looking after your furry friends’ dental hygiene is essential for their overall health and wellbeing. Not only are dogs’ teeth incredibly important to them (they use them to chew, carry, catch and more!), but poor hygiene can cause gum disease and other dental complaints, which can lead to additional health issues if not treated. By maintaining a good dental care routine for your pooch, you can keep their teeth and gums healthy for years to come.

Looking after your dog's dental health

Just like humans, dogs require regular check-ups and proper dental hygiene to maintain a strong and healthy set of teeth. A good dental care routine can prevent plaque build-up, bad breath, gum disease, and even more severe dental problems.

Why your dog's dental health is important

You could say dogs' teeth are as valuable to them as our hands are to us! Eating, playing, carrying things, you name it, they use their mouth for it. So, as their caretakers, it’s your responsibility to make sure their dental health is taken care of. By investing time and effort into your dog's oral care, you can significantly improve their quality of life by:

● Preventing bad breath
● Reducing the risk of gum disease
● Avoiding tooth loss

In addition to these benefits, keeping your dog's mouth clean and healthy can save you from expensive and potentially life-threatening vet visits down the road. Not only because it will avoid dental issues, but because gum disease has been linked to an increased risk of heart, liver, and kidney disease.

How to look after your dog's dental health

Dental care is an important part of your pooch’s wellbeing, and as a pet parent you need to know the best ways to maintain and improve their oral hygiene.

Brush their teeth daily

Dogs need their teeth brushed, ideally once a day, but at least three times a week is better than nothing. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush or a finger brush designed specifically for dogs along with some dog-friendly toothpaste. To begin with, you can introduce your dog to having their teeth cleaned and the taste of the toothpaste by putting some on your finger and running it across their teeth. Never use human toothpaste for your dog as it may contain harmful ingredients.

Feed them dental treats and chews

Designed to supplement teeth cleaning, dental treats and chews (such as PEDIGREE® DENTASTIX ™ treats) can effectively help remove plaque and tartar from your dog's teeth. But it's essential to select the right type of treat for your dog.

How to choose the best dental chews

1. Size: Choose dental chews appropriate for your dog's size and weight.

2. Texture: Look for chews designed to clean teeth effectively. PEDIGREE® DENTASTIX™ chews have an abrasive texture specially designed to clean hard-to-reach teeth.

Feed a dental-friendly diet

Feeding your dog a diet that supports their oral health can make a big difference. Look for dog food that’s specially formulated to promote dental health and reduce the build-up of tartar. Some options include dry kibble, which can help remove plaque and tartar through the chewing process.

Let them play with dental toys

Things like rope toys and soft rubber chew toys can be great for helping to remove plaque on your pooch’s teeth, while providing them with some entertainment and mental stimulation. Just be careful not to give them anything too tough on their teeth. Solid plastic toys and bones are a real no no, as they’re far too hard and can cause dental fractures. And believe it or not, tennis balls can also cause damage to your dog’s gnashers, as the furry surface carries sand and grit that can grind down teeth over time.

Take them for regular dental check-ups

Even when you’re taking great care of your pooch’s teeth at home, it’s still important to take them for regular check-ups and dental cleans at the vet. They can do a much more thorough job at polishing their teeth and removing tartar from their teeth and under the gum line, using special tools. This is done under a general anaesthetic to make sure your dog remains still and calm. Remember, dental care for your dog is crucial for their wellbeing and happiness. With these tips in mind, you can make sure your dog's teeth are in tip top shape and provide them with a fantastic quality of life. To learn more about how to keep your pooch happy and healthy, check out the [PEDIGREE Help Hub].

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